If the item is sold, please fill in the pre-order form. We will inform you once the item is restock.
蛇年開運HK$28禮券,限量150張🧧 手快有手慢冇~
* 每人最多可獲發1張
* 所有禮券認領後,一次過發送到各位的電郵地址
* 使用期限為期1年
* 禮券使用方法,請參考:Afterwork Grocery 禮品卡
新年快樂🧧 財源廣進🤩
身體健康💪🏻 常有口福😋
廚藝猛進👨🏻🍳 永不黐底🍳
打爆廚房🔥 開心Shopping🛍
- This product will be shipped by our company by SF Express.
- Except pre-order products, delivery will be arranged within 1 working day.
- The delivery address can be residential areas, industrial areas, commercial areas, SF Lockers, SF Stores, 7-11 convenience stores or OK convenience stores.
- For urgent orders, please contact us via WhatsApp 5132 5719.
- For more information, please refer to our shipping policy.