We provide many different payment methods, which is convenient for everyone to shop in our store. If you would like to pay with the consumption vouchers (Hong Kong customers only), please refer to the Consumption Vouchers Guideline.


Payment methods

FPS Faster Payment System
E-banking, ATM Transfer
Octopus Mobile App Payment
Credit Card: Visa, Master, Tap & Go


FPS (Extra 3% discount available)

Pay with FPS transfer and enjoy 3% extra discount
* Please deduct 3% from the total amount, then round up to an integer amount

1. Please transfer the amount to the following FPS number: 163494271 or scan the FPS QR code below (Hong Kong HSBC Bank, company name is "Afterwork Kitchen Limited")
2. Fill in the order number in the remarks, for example "1234"
3. Capture the payment record screen and send us back via WhatsApp at 5132 5719 for confirmation
4. Once the payment is confirmed, we will arrange delivery within the next 1-3 working days (excluding pre-ordered items)

Please find our FPS QR code below:


Internet Banking, ATM Transfer (Extra 3% discount available)

Enjoy an additional 3% discount when paying via e-banking or ATM transfer
* Please deduct 3% from the total amount, then round up to an integer amount

HSBC Hong Kong Business Account : 582-647285-838 (Afterwork Kitchen Limited)

1. Please transfer the amount to our bank account
2. Fill in the order number in the remarks, for example "1234"
3. Capture the payment record screen and send us back via WhatsApp at 5132 5719 for confirmation
4. Once the payment is confirmed, we will arrange delivery within the next 1-3 working days (excluding pre-ordered items)



1. Please contact us via WhatsApp at 5132 5719 to get the PayMe QR code or directly scan the QR code below
2. Fill in the order number in the remarks, for example "1234"
3. Capture the payment record screen and send us back via WhatsApp at 5132 5719 for confirmation
4. Once payment is confirmed, we will arrange delivery within the next 1-3 working days

Please find our PayMe QR code below:


Octopus Mobile App Payment

1. Please use your Octopus mobile app to scan the Octopus QR code below
2. Input the correct amount and make payment with Octopus App
3. Capture the payment record screen and send us back via WhatsApp us at 5132 5719 for confirmation
4. Once the payment is confirmed, we will arrange delivery within the next 1-3 working days (excluding pre-ordered items)

If you have any questions about the use of "Octopus" consumption voucher, please refer to the Consumption Vouchers Guideline.

Please find our Octopus QR code below:


Credit: CardVisa, Master, Tap & Go

If the you wish to pay by credit card, please select "Credit Card" in the payment method during checkout , fill in the card information and press to Complete Order, While handling your payment, please be patient and do not turn off the phone, switch to other apps or interrupt internet connection.

All credit card payments are processed in real time, once your credit card payment has been verified and verified, your order will be processed immediately.

If you have any questions about using "Tap & Go" coupons, you can refer to the instruction on payment methods of electronic coupons.



If you would like to pay through Alipay, please select "Alipay" in the payment method, and then click " Complete Order", wait patiently for the Alipay QR code screen and scan it and wait. During this period, please do not turn off the phone, switch to other apps or disconnect from the internet, the system will automatically complete the order and payment procedures.

All Alipay payments are processed in real time, once your payment has been verified and verified, your order will be processed immediately.